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  1. There are very few natural methods to ditch a hair drug test, and apple cider vinegar is most common and effective. Apple Cider Vinegar is also cheaper to detoxify yourself to pass the THC drug test, but it only uses small amounts of traces. Do not trust this method if you use restricted items for a long time and in high doses. It is not as effective as other detox supplements for higher THC contents in the body.   Before delving into the various detoxification methods, it’s good to know about the tests themselves so that you can prepare accordingly. There are four common types of drug tests based on the biological sample you provide for testing. Each of them has different advantages and needs to be individually prepared. The most reliable and common type of drug testing is done by examining a urine sample for THC. In this test, you are supposed to provide a fresh sample of urine to the examining professional to test the presence of THC, alcohol, opioids, opiates, methamphetamines, etc. Usually, you will be supervised for the entire process to prevent any unfair practices like urine swapping. The urine is tested for traces based on the indicators like creatinine, color, pH, and temperature, as the parameters can change with time when outside your body. Lastly, remember to do your part by drinking plenty of water and healthy foods to give your detox program a boost. Sometimes the best detox plan is not any manufactured pills or drinks but going about it the natural way. The classic combo of lemon juice and water has been highly praised for its various benefits. But do these products actually help? We feel that most of the detox drinks available in the market do not erase the traces of THC from our bodies. These drinks merely mask the presence of drug metabolites by artificially adding vitamins and proteins to our urine in order to show an outwardly reduced THC level.

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