FBI News Review: Objective, Balanced, Timely | RSS Pages
FBI News: Objective, Balanced, Timely – RSS FBI’s institutional psychology and modus operandi are based on the mentality of the REFORMED PETTY CRIMINAL, who feels called to fight the “real criminals”, because they are his Alter Ego, and the G-men feel uniquely qualified to catch those thieves because they are the thieves themselves, in addition to posing as plumbers and multiple other covers. Tuesday November 22 nd , 2022 at 4:32 AM The News And Times 1 Share By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) FBI = KGB! And that’s the fact. The FBI is the collective YOU: willfully blind + sociopaths + well masked criminals. Investigate the Investigators! Monday November 21 st , 2022 at 5:32 AM The News And Times 1 Share By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) Post Link Advertisements FBI Russian couple arrested as spies after helicopter raid in Stockholm - The Local Sweden November 26, 2022 Man allegedly held razor to woman's neck on JetBlue flight - Yahoo News Nove...